The Soul of Linda - Part 1: Love

Nearly twenty years ago, I Like Dinner wrote a song called “The Soul of Linda.” Paul McCartney had remarried after Linda passed on, and the baby Beatrice was in the news. So why not write a rock opera about the baby being the reincarnation of Linda McCartney? We accumulated songs over the years and during the pandemic, we went to the shed and basement to record.

 Part 1: Love is where it all starts. Paul and Linda meet, fall in love, marry, grow the family. The Beatles get too close to the sun, explode slowly into their separate yet ever-connected lives. Paul and Linda make music together, grow wings. It’s all too beautiful.

Part 2, Loss, and Part 3, Life, will continue telling the story of Linda, Paul, and Beatrice.

Recorded in Richmond, VA and Takoma Park, MD, it’s been a miraculous experience, and whether you believe in reincarnation or not, we honor the Soul of Linda.

Available at Apple Music here

Downloads/CDs/Streaming available at Bandcamp here